Friday, November 30, 2007

Sometimes whatever you do it's not enough... and that is a reality we all have to face sometime.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

NIN remix com has accepted my mix ... so that is a much easier way of listening to it ....the link is : 

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A slight redisgn of the front page view..was sending me a little dotty attack of minimalism is order methinks.
Well after what feels like about 2hrs sleep and loads of worrying the first day on rota is over. It went well I think , a tad stressful driving to leeds in the dark and the rain at 05:10 but hey you can't have everything can you? lol

Am absolutely worn out it has to be said. Mind you that's probably because I've caught the cold my other half had last week .

Somehow I don't think I'll be long out of bed tonight methinks.
Considering it's a 05:15 depart from home tomorrow morn I suppose I should go to bed a tad early thinking about it ;)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Right the first problem i've noticed is everytime you access the page the player starts ....might have to look at altering the code for this ..if i get any complaints.
At last a music player that works on eblogger !!

Music Player ?