Sunday, June 22, 2008

Existence but what does it Matter?

'Existence but what does it matter' ? - that's a quote in my head but not sure at this moment who said it ....

Everything that is 'deemed reality' is but sensations brought to you by your senses:
But what if 'reality is inside your head' (another quote there I think) - what if that is the true reality of life?
After all is not how we react to life/people/ situations etc ...represented by how we deal' with these events within our 'consciousness' ?

Human psyche deals in basic needs as a 'pyramid'
(see "Maslow" Diagram above)

If however and this is just a thought while I write this - what happens if you do not complete all the steps in 'order' - can this be done? - I'm not sure and does this have an effect upon how you view life within your 'own reality' ?
Can it be done? ...or do you end up with a 'personal reality' based upon a false 'achievement' of that particular 'step'?

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