Well it is now 22:29 and I have eventually given up on trying to get this to work with my Macbook Pro (Unibody) started at 16:00ish.
If you install it under it under a normal user it will tell you (very irritatingly) that it was unable to install the 'SXUPTP' driver....whatever this does and does not do is lost in geek hell......
I then read on an apple forum about using terminal commands within the 'Safe Boot' environment (not being too fond of unix commands I stayed away from Terminal) however I did try the safe boot option for install - that's after I'd spent 30mins downloading the 10.5x driver from Belkin.com (lot of good that was).
The SXUPTP problem does not rear it's head under 'Safe Boot' and then you restart under normal user ...success so far.
Alas however when you restart after using the drives, SXUPTP driver not installed rears it's ugly godforsaken head again...and so off you go rebooting in safe mode and installing and rebooting in user mode and using and then finding out when you try to eject the drives via the Belkin Control Hub interface that sod all happens apart from your once stable computer has crashed big time....
When it works the transfer speed is acceptable - a bit like the speed of moving a file from one memory stick to another.
However the control interface is basic and buggy ..the reliability is probably 0.5 out of 10.
The support for the Mac OS is completely just not there.
So to summarize you do get what you pay for and an Airport extreme base station would be a better idea maybe, or a NAS drive that has been tried and tested on the Mac OS. So that will be my next step once i've got the funds.
Buy it at your peril
try to download the suxtp driver from the manufacturer - they have a different version working